
5 Email Marketing Rules To Live By

Question for you: How soon after waking up do you check your email? Have you ever woken up, rolled over, grabbed your phone and checked your emails first thing? I know I am definitely raising my hand, and I bet you are too. You probably will not be surprised to learn that we are not alone. A recent study by Sleep Advisor found that: 55% of people check their email some time before they go into work. 17% of Americans check their email immediately upon waking up. 1 in 3 of millennials check their email as soon as they wake [...]

The Key Elements for Creating and Delivering a Killer Proposal

Being awesome at what you do is not enough to build a profitable business. As a service provider if you’re providing done-for-you services or consulting, in order for people to see how good you are, first you need to actually get the job, right? And if you wanna get the job, you have to know how to sell yourself. Yes, you have to rock the sales call, but there’s usually one final step before they say yes, and that is sending your proposal. No matter how amazing your sales call was, your proposal and the way you deliver it is [...]

6 Business Tools I Can’t Live Without

 When I first started my copywriting business five years ago, I ran it on just a few basics: Microsoft Word, Wave Apps for invoicing, and HelloSign for contracts. But, as I’ve grown and become a little more sophisticated, I’ve tested out and adopted a few business tools that make my life so much easier. I will say, I am not a huge software/app person. I am tech-adverse, so I’m a huge fan of keeping my business tools very simple and lean. About half of these business tools below are totally free, super easy to use and come with my [...]

Make Over Your Client Experience

You check your email between homeschooling your kids, your morning workout, and see that you’ve got a new lead ... YES! That is the BEST EMAIL EVER for an entrepreneur, right? Awesome … now what? Take a moment and think about what actually happens the minute a potential client expresses interest in working with you. Do you have an auto-reply set up, or do you have to stop everything you’re doing, race to your computer, and write a brand new email response to them, inviting them to take the next step? Speaking of next steps ... do you have clear [...]

3 Quick Tips To Speak Your Ideal Client’s Language

When Cady Heron started her first day at North Shore High in Mean Girls, she was adorably clueless about how the kids were talking these days. Similarly, when Vivian Ward meets Edward on the streets of LA in Pretty Woman, she doesn’t know what fork to use or how to carry herself at a polo match or the opera. So what does my amazingly on-point movie knowledge have to do with your homepage copy? The insider copywriter's secret If you want to write copy that makes your ideal client feel like you’re speaking directly to them, you have to speak [...]

Signs It’s Time For a Rebrand or Website Makeover

If you’ve ever wondered if it’s time for you to rebrand, then this episode is for you. I’m going to talk through some signs or red flags that it’s time to give your website a Princess Diaries-style, head-to-toe makeover. I'm a sucker for a good, or even a really bad makeover movie. I’ve been in business for five years now, and I had the same website for the first 3 years. About two years ago, I reached a turning point and realized it was time to kick things up a notch and take my brand and business to the next [...]

Uncovering Your “Secret Sauce”

It doesn’t matter what industry you’re in: If you’re not able to clearly communicate WHY someone should choose you and what sets you apart from someone else, it’s gonna be really hard to market yourself and your business. And let’s face it: As an entrepreneur, you are constantly marketing yourself, or at least, you should be if you want to get paid. That's why today, we’re going to be talking about how to uncover your secret sauce, AKA what makes you stand out, why you’re different, and why your ideal client should choose you. When you’re not totally clear on [...]

Make Over Your About Page

“It’s not about you, it’s about them.” As a business owner, you’ve probably heard this over and over. But how do you actually DO IT? In today’s blog post, I’m breaking down my latest About Page spotlight. Steal these tips to give your own About Page a serious makeover. HERE WE GO … Headline isn’t about her — it’s about what the ideal client wants for that “oooh, tell me more” vibe that makes them want to keep scrolling. Just tell them!!! The first paragraph clearly states exactly who she helps and what she does. Don’t make the reader scroll [...]

Create Your Brag Book: How to get Super “Grool” Testimonials

Truth time. Not all Kate Hudson-Matthew McConaughey movies are created equal (I’m lookin’ at you, Fool’s Gold). And neither are all testimonials. Glowing emails and love notes from clients work wonders on your ego (I actually keep a little file of these that I can go through when I need a little pick-me-up). But a few sentences about how awesome you are don’t necessarily add up to a great testimonial that will inspire your website visitors to take action. WHY TESTIMONIALS MATTER First, let’s quickly recap a few reasons why the right testimonials can make your website visitors feel that [...]

5 Questions Your Home Page Must Answer

DOES YOUR HOMEPAGE ANSWER THESE 5 QUESTIONS? After finding out that you exist, the first thing a client sees is your website’s homepage...and I KNOW that you want a homepage that makes people say, ”Holy crap, I MUST work with this person. This is the one. I don’t need to look any further.” So how do you get there? How do you make a homepage that’s a true showstopper? There are a few different pieces of copy you need in place if you’re going to make that happen. I know that when it comes to your homepage and branding in [...]

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